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This database compiles listings of Novel Psychoactive Substances reported to specialist databases at the UNODC and EMCDDA, as well as the EU Response to challenges in forensic drugs analysis and the US NPS discovery group.

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Stimulants are class of psychoactive drug that increases activity of the central nervous system, usually elevating alertness, mood and awareness.

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Cannabinoids are a class of psychoactive drug that acts on the cannabinoid receptors, usually resulting in euphoria, feelings of well being and a quiet and reflective mood state.

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Benzodiazepines (also known as minor tranquillisers) are a class of psychoactive drug that slow down the activity of the central nervous system. They are traditionally prescribed to relieve stress and anxiety, or as a sleep aid.

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Depressants are a class of psychoactive drug that slows down the activity of the central nervous systems, usually reducing alertness and slowing functions such as breathing and heart rate.


Dissociative Analgesics are a class of hallucinogen that disorts perceptions of sight and sound and produce feelings of detachment from the enivroment and ones self. They also produce an analgesic effect - pain relief.


Opioids are a class of psychoactive drug that bind to opioid receptors and slow the activity of the central nervous system. Opioids stimulate the release of dopamine which leads to sensations of pleasure and pain relief 

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Empathogens/Entactogens are a class of psychoactive drug that increases experiences of empathy and/or sympathy. For example, emotional communion, relatedness, emotional openness. 

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Psychedelics are a class of psychoactive drug that cause altered visual and auditory experiences, as well as an altered state of consciousness. 

Tas Drug Trends

School of Medicine (Psychology)

University of Tasmania, Sandy Bay


M 0413 182 069 or 0411 835 392


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