LSD or Lysergic acid diethylamide is a synthetic drug manufactured from a fungus formed
in rye grains. It is classed as psychedelic or hallucinogen as its consumption can causes
changes in perception, mood and thought, as well as visual hallucinations and distortions
in space and time. The effects or 'trip' caused by LSD consumption usually begin after 30-45
minutes and can last for up to 12 hours. These effects may include euphoria, hallucinations,
confusion, fast and irregular heart rate, increased body temperature, increased breathing rate,
vomiting, and facial flushes. Sometimes users may experience a 'bad trip', characterised by
disturbing hallucinations which may result in panic and risk-taking (e.g. running across a road
or self-harm). Long term regular use may result in flashbacks - hallucinations that occur weeks,
months or years after the drug was last taken. This can be particularly disturbing if the
hallucination was frightening.
LSD Use Statistics
Psychedelic use remains common but infrequent among participants in the EDRS, with 2 in 4 reporting recent use of LSD (typically swallowing 1 tab on two occasions in the past 180 days)
The majority of consumers regarded LSD as ‘easy’ to access in 2018. There are some indications that availability has declined in recent years, with the proportion of consumers regarding LSD as ‘easy’ or ‘very easy’ to access falling from 90% in 2014 to 60% in 2018
Tasmania police made approximately 7 LSD seizures in 2016/17, which is less than 2015/2016 but still an increase from the rates seen in the previous 5 years (1-3 per annum in 2007/08-2013/14).
Seeking Help?
Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS)
24 hour free call on 1800 250 015
Free Alcohol and Drug Counselling Online
24 hour free call on 13 11 14 or visit
Mental Health Services Helpline
1800 332 388